Serbske ludowe zastupnistwo
Sorbische/wendische Volksvertretung
Sorbian/Wendish People’s Representation

DEMOCRACY OMNIBUS campaigns in Lusatia for the election to the 2nd Serbski Sejm and Sorbenrat

The OMNIBUS FOR DIRECT DEMOCRACY has started its tour through Lusatia in Kamjenc/Kamenz to draw attention to the election to the 2nd Serbski Sejm. The OMNIBUS will be visiting many towns and villages until 20 September, first in Hornja Łužica / Upper Lusatia, then in Srjedźna Łužica / Central Lusatia and finally in Dolna Łužyca / Lower Lusatia. The crew will provide information about the work of the Serbski Sejm, the need for strong representation of the people with broad legitimisation and the election process. You can also register to vote directly.

‘We are delighted and grateful that the OMNIBUS FOR DIRECT DEMOCRACY is supporting the ‘Serbski Sejm’ democracy movement and the Sorbian/Wendish people with this tour over several weeks’, says Tomaš Čornak, who is in charge of organising the tour.

Werner Küppers, who has been leading the OMNIBUS FOR DIRECT DEMOCRACY for many years and is accompanied by volunteers, adds: ‘The aim of the Serbski Sejm to take responsibility for the important future issues of the Sorbian/Wendish people themselves and to seek and jointly implement grassroots democratic solutions on the ground brings hope and a spirit of optimism in the current difficult times for democracy, even beyond Lusatia. It has immediately become a matter close to our hearts.’

‘In Dolna Łužyca/Lower Lusatia, the OMNIBUS FOR DIRECT DEMOCRACY will also be campaigning for the parallel election of the Council for Sorbs/Wends Affairs at the Brandenburg State Parliament (via’ says Rainer Vogel, member of the election committee for the Brandenburg Sorbs/Wends Council and candidate for the 2nd Serbski Sejm.

The tour schedule can be viewed on a daily basis at We are still looking for people who would like to join the OMNIBUS team for one day at a time.

Voters must register for the election by 23 January 2025.

The Serbski Sejm is the democratically legitimised representation of the Sorbs/Wends and is committed to a public-law body of the Sorbian/Wendish people and internal self-government, particularly in education and culture.

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