Serbski Sejm and SPD in discussion on Sorbian cultural and educational autonomy
On 12 April, representatives of the Serbski Sejm met with the party and parliamentary group leaders of the Saxon SPD. The focus of the exchange was the support of a dialogue for more rights of participation, co-determination and self-determination of the Sorbian/Wendish people, which is anchored in the current coalition agreement. The members of the Sejm presented the background and the need for a self-governing body, especially for the educational autonomy.
It is important to the SPD politicians that the Sorbian people in all their diversity are heard at the state political level. For this reason, the exchange with representatives of various organisations is intensively cultivated. Dirk Panter, Kathrin Michel and Sabine Friedel emphasised that, in addition to the promotion of language and culture, the visibility of Sorbian concerns in public discourse is an important component of the recognition of Sorbian identity. Proposals for a state treaty prepared in the Serbski Sejm are to be presented in more detail at a next meeting.

Foto v.l.n.r.: Sejm-Abgeordnete Měrćin Krawc, Tomaš Wornar und Christine Ruby / Kathrin Michel (MdB und SPD-Co-Landesvorsitzende), Sabine Friedel (sorbenpolitische SPD-Fraktionssprecherin), Dirk Panther (SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzender) - Quelle: SPD-Fraktion